DMCA Removal

This page DMCA Removal will enable you to contact the ideal place to report or take down the content/images which you wish to be removed from in accordance with DMCA relevant laws. It would be ideal if you provide us with full details to examine your request.

At we respect the protected innovation privileges of others and we expect users to do the same. If you believe that someone uploaded our content/images of, please inform us by sending IP/website of infringement.

DMCA notices must meet all requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act “DMCA”. For trademark infringement notices, you must provide clear information about the area of the allegedly infringing work, and contact information, including a physical address, email, and phone number. We should send along.

So if we find someone taking our story/content/pictures and posting on our blog. We will file a DMCA protest with Google as per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) law.

Contact us: